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Products shown in the Recommends programs are outdated, why?

  • If the incorrect products are shown in the logo recommendations program, check to make sure that your catalog is up to date.

    1. Go to My Catalogs tab
    2. Open your catalog and click view products
    3. If you have more than one catalog, check each catalog for the outdated skus.
    4. Once you are in the product list you can search by manufacturer name or manufacturer part number.
    5. You can delete the outdated products that you do not want to show.

    To avoid manually updating the products in the future, it is highly recommended that you have your catalogs updated automatically by downloading from a FTP server.

Error "The request is originated from unregistered host", what can we do?

  • Content may not return when the site domain is not in the authorized site list. To confirm, check your browser's JS Console, you may notice the following error:

    "[CCS_ERROR] The request is originated from unregistered host: ''. Please go to Portal / Site Integration settings to add it into your sites list."

    This occurs when the site domain requesting the content is missing from the Allowed Site Domains in your company settings. It appears that your site domain was not added to your site list. The good news is that this can easily be resolved by performing the following steps in the Portal:

    1. Within the portal, click on Admin -> Advanced Settings -> Site Integration
    2. Click Edit -> Add Domain
    3. Enter your root level domain such as ""
    4. Click OK and Save

I am having problems installing the Showcase on my website that is powered by OfficeLive, can you help me?

I am having problems installing the Showcase on my website that is powered by Word Press, can you help me?

  • Word Press mangles the spaces in the HTML script causing the showcase to not display. Correction is to remove spaces from code and all will work fine.

I am receiving warnings about page contains secure and non-secure items, why is that?

  • 1WSCGomez_0-1687438754874.gif


    This is a common error that occurs when some element on a secure web page (one that is loaded with https:// in the address bar) is not being loaded from a secure source. This usually occurs with images, frames, iframes, Flash, and JavaScripts. If you added the ContentCast JavaScript on secured pages that are served using https, make sure your call to the ContentCast JavaScript code is also using the https protocol.

I am a ChannelOnline customer, is there a way to link the Showcase to my store on ChannelOnline?

  •  Yes, contact 1WorldSync Customer support and we will set this up for you.

Buy / Shop Now links are not appearing in my Brand Showcase, why?

  •  In order to show Buy or Shop Now buttons in the Showcase you will need to do upload your product catalog:
    1. Go to the Manage Catalogs section
    2. Create or add a new product catalog.
    3. Before uploading your catalog file, make sure it properly contains Add to Cart URLs for each product.
    4. Map the Mfr Name, Mfr Part Number, Add to Cart URLs and all other columns needed.
    5. Upload the catalog.

    It may take 15 minutes before the changes take affect.

Contact Us links return error, why?

  •  If you receive an error "SorryLead generation features are not enabled for the subscriber." when clicking on Contact Us, this means you have not yet completed the Co-branding Company profile information. To specify your company sales email address:
    1. Login to the portal
    2. Click Admin -> Company Profile
    3. Click Edit
    4. Provide an email address for "SEND LEADS TO (EMAIL ADDRESS)"
    5. Click Save

Content is not returning, why?

  •  Content will not be returned for the following reasons:
    1. Your account is not active - If you registered for any account, it takes 15 minutes for your account to be enabled.
    2. Unauthorized domain - The script will only work on domain URLs that have been authorized in your Company's Integration Settings. Click Admin -> Integration Settings to make sure you have listed all the possible domains where the script will be used.
    3. Content is not enabled - Go to My Services -> Edit an existing script to make sure the component is properly enabled.
    4. Missing DIV containers - make sure you have specified the container IDs for Inline Content. For example, make sure you have properly included <div id="ccs-inline-content"></div>.
    5. Product not in scope - You can only request content for SKU's in your authorized catalog.
    6. Language or market not in scope - If product content is not being returned for a particular language or market, this may be due to your account not authorized for the requested language or market. Contact Support to obtain more information.
    7. Content is not available in the requested language.
    8. Invalid Product Identifiers
      • Verify you are sending the correct Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number. If you are sending CPN (Customer part number), you will need to make sure you have uploaded a catalog to the Catalogs section of the portal.
      • Verify that the Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number does not contain any special characters and both parameters are properly URL encoded.
    9. Content Containers not present on your page - when you integrate the script, you must also make sure the content Containers with correct Container IDs exist on your page.

Flash is overlapping the Lightbox, what can I do?

  •  You will need to edit the pages that contain the flash objects and add the following code between the embed and object tags:

    Add the following code after the Object tag:

    <param name="WMode" value="transparent"></param> 

    And add the following code in the Embed tag:


    It should look something like this:

    <object width="300" height="220"> <param name="WMode" value="transparent"></param> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed wmode="transparent" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300"> height="220"></embed> </object> 

Portal returns a blank page, why?

  •  This occurs if your firewall is blocking access to our portal.

The Lightbox doesn’t appear how can I fix this?

  •  If you are using IE and you click on a campaign banner at the bottom of a scrollable page, you may not see the lightbox unless you scroll back up to the top of the page.

    This is browser specific issue due to the page not including a DOCTYPE declaration in the HTML. If a DOCTYPE is not declared, the lightbox function is unable to determine where to position itself within the browser.

    Add the appropriate DOCTYPE tag as the first element within your site.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> 

    Read for more examples.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-22-2023 09:01 AM
Updated by: