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Products shown in the Recommends programs are outdated

  • If the incorrect products are shown in the logo recommendations program, check to make sure that your catalog is up to date.

    1. Go to My Catalogs tab
    2. Open your catalog and click view products
    3. If you have more than one catalog, check each catalog for the outdated skus.
    4. Once you are in the product list you can search by manufacturer name or manufacturer part number.
    5. You can delete the outdated products that you do not want to show.

    To avoid manually updating the products in the future, it is highly recommended that you have your catalogs updated automatically by downloading from a FTP server.

Can and How do I customize the appearance or CSS?

  • You can currently customize content returned within a product page such as Inline Content, Explore Product, Brand Showcase. By default the inline content inherits your page's text styles to match your website's appearance. Each component has certain limitations on what can be changed to ensure browser compatibility. Here are some examples of what can be modified:

    • Text
      • size
      • font style
      • color
      • spacing
    • Images
      • padding
      • sizing adjustments (relative)
    • and more.

    To customize the appearance of the content:

    1. Login to the portal
    2. Access the service module you wish to modify such as Product Page or Showcase
    3. Click Add Styles
      • You can choose to modify by using your own CSS rules or insert the CSS template which will populate all the CSS class names used as a starting point.
    4. Click Save.

Is there a callback function available that responds when content is loaded?

  • Yes. Use ccs_cc_ready.

Are logos available in different sizes?

  • Yes we support 3-4 different sizes depending on the program. You can change to one of the available sizes by changing "&style=1" parameter in the script.

    • 1 - Standard (Default)
    • 3 - Medium
    • 4 - Small

Content is not returning

  • Content will not be returned for the following reasons:

    1. Your account is not active - If you registered for any account, it takes 15 minutes for your account to be enabled.
    2. Unauthorized domain - The script will only work on domain URLs that have been authorized in your Company's Integration Settings. Click Admin -> Integration Settings to make sure you have listed all the possible domains where the script will be used.
    3. Content is not enabled - Go to My Services -> Edit an existing script to make sure the component is properly enabled.
    4. Missing DIV containers - make sure you have specified the container IDs for Inline Content. For example, make sure you have properly included <div id="ccs-inline-content"></div>.
    5. Product not in scope - You can only request content for skus in your authorized catalog.
    6. Language or market not in scope - If product content is not being returned for a particular language or market, this may be due to your account not authorized for the requested language or market. Contact Support to obtain more information.
    7. Content is not available in the requested language.
    8. Invalid Product Identifiers
      • Verify you are sending the correct Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number. If you are sending cpn (Customer part number), you will need to make sure you have uploaded a catalog to the Catalogs section of the portal.
      • Verify that the Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number does not contain any special characters and both parameters are properly URL encoded.
    9. Content Containers not present on your page - when you integrate the script, you must also make sure the content Containers with correct Container IDs exist on your page.
Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-22-2023 09:04 AM
Updated by: