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Nutrient Error

New Contributor II

For cereal items only we provide an extended panel with DV% for certain attributes (Niacin, Folate, Pant Acid, Magnesium, Zinc) Not all cereals have these, or just have 2 out of the 5 listed on their extended panel.

If we provide the DV% for those attributes, we get an error to the provide the nutrient quantity also. We don’t provide nutrient quantity contained, only DV%. These items are not syncing with USDA and are being rejected. How do other cereal manufacturers work around this?

Who has a good contact for USDA? Person listed in the implementation guide does not respond.


Examples of 1WS error and associated label:



3 Replies


Hi, @marisolburt, thanks for reaching out in our Community platform! Regarding contact information for the USDA, what is seen on their landing page is unfortunately all of the contact information available to us for the USDA. 

I took a look at your items, and when validating them they validated successfully with a Percentage of Daily Value Intake populated with no Nutrient Quantity added. I also was not able to locate any publications to the USDA either for either item. Could you specify where you are seeing these errors regarding the Percentage of Daily Value Intake and Nutrient Quantity?


I see the errors in my worklist. There will be soft warnings at first, then 2 weeks later they will validate fine. But if you view the sync status report you can see that USDA has rejected the publications and has not synchronized in years. 

New Contributor II

I have learned the USDA email mailbox listed in implementation guide is not monitored and another way to contact them is via this contact form 

I have also called the telephone number listed in the implementation guide and have left voicemails, but not response either.

*I haven't received any response yet. I'll give them a few more days and update this post if I hear back.