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CIC999:The number of Items in a Complete Layer/GTIN Pallet Ti and Hi attributes were left blank. etc

New Contributor II


I keep getting this error under 5 of my items, all set up as Each:

CIC999:Item Returned for Review:VENDOR TO RESUBMIT|The number of Items in a Complete Layer/GTIN Pallet Ti and Hi attributes were left blank. Please populate values and resubmit. For a non-pallet dispatch unit, you can populate Number of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer/Non GTIN Pallet Ti and Hi.

My GTINS are:

  • 00812600030987
  • 00812600033698
  • 00812600033681
  • 00812600034572
  • 00812600033711

I've searched high and low for with singular key words (trade, pallet, layer, even "hi") with CTRL+F, but I cannot figure out for the life of me where this information is supposed to go.

I've read under another post that I shouldn't even be receiving this error since my items are Each and not Case, as they'll be sold in stores as individual bottles of spices. Is this correct?

10 Replies

New Contributor II

I am still experiencing the same error.