‎07-12-2022 12:39 PM
I keep getting this error under 5 of my items, all set up as Each:
CIC999:Item Returned for Review:VENDOR TO RESUBMIT|The number of Items in a Complete Layer/GTIN Pallet Ti and Hi attributes were left blank. Please populate values and resubmit. For a non-pallet dispatch unit, you can populate Number of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer/Non GTIN Pallet Ti and Hi.
My GTINS are:
I've searched high and low for with singular key words (trade, pallet, layer, even "hi") with CTRL+F, but I cannot figure out for the life of me where this information is supposed to go.
I've read under another post that I shouldn't even be receiving this error since my items are Each and not Case, as they'll be sold in stores as individual bottles of spices. Is this correct?
‎07-12-2022 03:08 PM
If you have a case/each hierarchy, you would only enter the Ti/HI on the Parent Case GTIN. If you were sending over just the each then it would be handled as if you were stacking the each on the pallet.
‎07-12-2022 02:19 PM
Kroger's portal will hide specific attribute while creating an item. You will need to click on the blue EDIT and then choose "View All Attributes" save & continue. Once you click the View All Attributes then the hidden attributes will be visible to you.
The attributes you are looking for is under Logistics Information
‎07-12-2022 02:52 PM
Oh, thank you so much! The screenshots help a ton.
I have a follow-up question. So let's say one of my items comes 8 in a case. Is it safe to assume I would do the TIHI by how many cases go on a pallet, even though I'm uploading the items as "Each"?
‎07-12-2022 03:08 PM
If you have a case/each hierarchy, you would only enter the Ti/HI on the Parent Case GTIN. If you were sending over just the each then it would be handled as if you were stacking the each on the pallet.
‎06-07-2023 11:48 AM
I'm having the same issue do you mind rephrasing your response?
‎06-07-2023 12:34 PM
Hello @Fionak can you tell me what you are encountering so I make sure to answer exactly what you need? This thread has a few different topics...
‎06-07-2023 01:03 PM
I'm getting this and am unsure on how to proceed. I was reading the thread and your answer to their last question seems to be the answer I'm looking for, but I got a little lost in your answer.
2802 WARNING On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.
‎06-07-2023 02:10 PM
@Fionak Are you updating your content in IM and then publishing it to Kroger? Sorry, one last confirmation before answering. Can you also share your example GTIN?
‎06-29-2023 11:34 AM
Yes, I am updating and uploading to Kroger.
‎06-29-2023 11:39 AM
Hi Fionak and welcome back!
I wanted to check to see if you are still encountering those validations, or have you been able to work through them successfully?
2802 WARNING On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.