05-06-2024 01:21 PM
Can anyone help with this error messaging, when trying to add items to a new publication? This is our first UNFI publication.
~~382-Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) should only be true for the lowest level Item in the hierarchy. If ChildTradeItem/gtin is not empty then Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) must be equal to false.
05-06-2024 01:29 PM
Hello @ZionHealth and welcome to the customer community. Thanks for reaching out. Without looking at an example item, it is important to understand the Unit Indicators and how they work. Please learn more about these with this article we posted before: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/IM-Knowledge/Unit-Indicators-in-IM/ta-p/7820
Please let us know if you have any other questions.