09-22-2022 11:04 PM
I am trying to publish a new linked hierarchy of a CA/PK/EA that validates successfully. Publishing to Walmart results in success for the CA, but the PK and EA fail with this error in the Worklist: gdsn312 : Ordering Unit Indicator (isOrderableUnit) must be true for at least one GTIN within a hierarchical configuration.
The successfully published CA has ordering indicator = TRUE.
What else should I check to resolve this publishing error?
11-06-2024 10:30 AM
Our DLM contact does all publishing so I will reach out to him for clarification. I was confused because it did not appear as a Wakefern error (e.g. WAKE85 or WAKE121 etc). It appeared as a gdsn error.
09-23-2022 08:19 AM
Hello and thank you for reaching out via our customer community. Welcome. Yours is a good question. Can you confirm whether you have multiple Target Markets for the GTINs in your hierarchy and if so, do you have the Unit Indicators completed appropriately for each target market? If you do not find the error, please share a sample GTIN I can take a look at.
09-23-2022 10:49 AM
Hello, I am having the same error message when trying to publish a Case and Each to PFG. Same target markets. Case GTIN is set to orderable, Each GTIN is set to False. I successfully published Case and for Each I am getting the error message: gdsn312 : Ordering Unit Indicator (isOrderableUnit) must be true for at least one GTIN within a hierarchical configuration.
Example GTINs - case (00024354434243), each (00024354430245)
09-23-2022 10:59 AM
When I look at GTON 00024354434243 I see the error below in your GTIN History Report for pubs you sent today...
09-23-2022 11:02 AM
Hello - GTIN 00024354434243 published correctly with those Atlernative Item warnings. GTIN 00024354430245 did not publish with the error message gdsn312 : Ordering Unit Indicator (isOrderableUnit) must be true for at least one GTIN within a hierarchical configuration.
09-23-2022 11:26 AM
Thank you for those details as it really helps us troubleshoot for you. I believe I found the issue but need to explain the unit indicators first. For every hierarchy you publish, you must have "True" for each one of the indicators at least once in the hierarchy. This is true for single-item hierarchies as well. These two GTINs are linked together and published successfully at the Cas level. When you publish, the recipient receives everything at the publication level GTIN and below it. Across the Case and Each, the unit indicators are correct.
You are encountering the issue when you try to publish just the Each level GTIN. You do not have to do that since the Case is already published unless you need to just publish the Each for a trading partner. In those instances, you would have to make sure all the unit indicators are true on the Each GTIN. You may need to create a recipient version of the GTIN if this is a publication you need to do so that the unit indicators set to true on the Each only configuration do not impact the Case/Each configuration.
11-05-2024 06:24 PM
I am having this same issue and have verified that the CASE GTIN has the Ordering Unit Indicator as True. In the hierarchy validation for Case, this error appears.
11-06-2024 08:44 AM
Hello @marnix76 and welcome to the customer community. Can you provide us with an example GTIN so we can take a look for you?
11-06-2024 09:36 AM
Good day. Sure thing:
11-06-2024 10:01 AM
Hello @marnix76 and welcome to the customer community. Thanks for reaching out.
I only see the error you mentioned on the each 00055270954010 you are trying to publish to Wakefern Food Corp. Under normal circumstances, you would only publish the parent item 10055527095401 as it will drag with the child item attached to it.
If you were asked to publish it at the each level separately too then you will need to change the Ordering Unit Indicator on the each.
If you did not intend to publish it at the each level or if it was published by mistake then you will need to withdraw that publication so that you will not get that response from Wakefern and only keep the publication you made at the case level.