12-21-2022 09:06 AM
Hello all!
I have a quick question that I was hoping you could clear up for me or perhaps point me in the right direction to fix this error. I have multiple items that are published to USDA that are in review due to wanting at least one instance of “by_measure” here is what the error looks like:
Here is another example of a like error:
I have tried a few things to try and fix this error and nothing I do seems to work. Do you by chance know exactly what I should be changing or adding in order for our items to properly sync with you guys?
I have been working on that seems to validate successfully, however is still in review for the same reason. 1007022639583 (00070222039584)
12-21-2022 09:34 AM
12-21-2022 09:39 AM
Hi thank you for taking a look, would you be able to look at this one as well? 00070222039584 if you scroll down after the first set of nutritionals I have another instance of by measure however I still have the error. this item seems to validate successfully, but the cic status is still there
I really appreciate all of your help!
12-21-2022 10:23 AM
Hi Sydni,
Do you know if the BY_MEASURE was added after that CIC was sent you? try updating the effective date and see if they return with the same CIC, I am curious to see what we come back with.
12-21-2022 11:08 AM
I just updated the effective date to today, however it was dec 8, 2022 before and the CIC came in on oct 10, 2022. I did reach out to USDA as well and they said to reach out to 1WS and then let them know the outcome
12-21-2022 11:53 AM
Which parent GTIN was published to them?
12-21-2022 11:54 AM
1007022639583 this one
01-03-2023 09:41 AM - edited 01-03-2023 10:01 AM
Guessing 10070222639583 the actual GTIN, you missed a two?
1WS sent the updated content on 12/21/2022 of last year cin.LNCMH043900049i. You will need to follow up with your contact at the USDA to see why they have not sent back a CIC on those messages.
01-03-2023 09:43 AM
Sorry, yes.