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Quantity of Next Level GTIN within Inner Pack

New Contributor



I just received a new validation error "Quantity of Next Level GTIN within Inner Pack and Inner pack are both required if either is provided"

Is this a new Food Service requirement? I normally will add Inner Pack on its own without any issues.


Thanks in advance!

9 Replies



They added the attribute to the Food & Beverage Playlist. If it does not apply, you can drop the playlist so the validation won't affect the publishing.



Hi John, same person. different account 🙂 Is it possible that the validation is tied to a recipient list? Our team is publishing through a recipient list in classic and is receiving those errors. When I publish from enhanced, no problems there.

Hi Sheree,

Well, it could be but it seems like a validation because one or the other was populated, so it wanted the other as well. We could escalate to determine the but I believe they will shut it down given that Classic is no longer being updated. We have been steering suppliers to use Enhanced to avoid such issues. The publication goes over or is it acting as a hard stop for you?

New Contributor II

The attached is from one of out users who did try it in enhanced and is getting the same error. I however still did not so I'm not sure if her settings are causing this. I asked her to send a email to tech support. How much longer is Classic in the picture?


Classic, we will not provide any dates for when we sunset the platform. I will take a look at these items to see if I can find a resolution for you!

New Contributor II

ok thank you!


We will need to add Quantity of Next Level GTIN within Inner Pack to clear this validation or remove the Inner Pack number.



New Contributor II

Hi Charles, 


So this is confirmed a new validation rule? Is this specific to a customer? I was able to publish without it.

The validation is tied to a specific playlist, If you look at IM Playlist Attributes Tab. This attribute is included in eight different playlists, Food & Beverage playlist and Most Popular playlist might have been enabled? If you have a playlist enabled and then drop that playlist you can publish without getting the validations to stop you. If you have a playlist opened for all Food & Beverage, it will include quantityOfNextLevelWithinInnerPack.