02-08-2023 06:03 AM
We are getting below error on Net content but the same is populated, please suggest.
10791669620223:CIC999:Net Package Quantity/Net Content - This field is required.:CHANGE_BY_REFRESH_MESSAGE:Please send a Change by Refresh message.:CIC999:Net Package Quantity/Net Content UOM - This field is required.
02-13-2023 08:14 AM
Hello, @niteishk . Net Content is required on consumer-level units. If your Case is not marked as a consumer unit you do not have to populate Net Content on it.
02-08-2023 08:16 AM
Are you working in Kroger? and under what GLN? I do not see anything for Bay Valley Foods. We would not typically see this error on a case pack because Net Content is under the Class Code.
02-08-2023 11:23 AM
Hi Jcharlesjr,
Its not from Kroger but from Distribution market advantage Inc.
0865761000108 | Distribution Market Advantage Inc. |
02-08-2023 01:19 PM
Here is where you can find those attributes in Item Management
02-13-2023 06:10 AM
Hi Jcharles,
I saw that but confusion is we populate net content value in child gtin but for case what values should be filled?
02-13-2023 08:14 AM
Hello, @niteishk . Net Content is required on consumer-level units. If your Case is not marked as a consumer unit you do not have to populate Net Content on it.