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Log in

New Contributor II

Every time I log into 1WS item management it gives me the logged out screen and makes me re-login.  When I called it in almost a year ago, they said it was because I didn't log out.  I have very diligently logged out every time and it is still occurring.  There is some sort of glitch withe the Log in screen.  Can someone please look at this?  

6 Replies

Contributor II

Hello CadyMc! Thank you for reaching out to us via the 1WorldSync Customer Community! I recommend clearing your cache and cookies, then closing the browser entirely and re-opening. This should prevent the logout action from occurring.

If you need assistance in clearing your cache and cookies, please provide the browser that you are utilizing.

I also have this problem but I've cleared my cache and cookies but still having trouble logging in.

New Contributor II

I have done this a few times now and the issue keeps coming back.  I don't want to always clear my cache as it clears it out for things that I don't want removed.  This should not be the only way to solve this.  I do not have this issue with any other applications I use.  

Hello CadyMc!

Thank you for responding to the 1WorldSync Customer Community! I recommend clearing your cache and cookies, then closing the browser entirely and re-opening. It seems like once everything is tied together via SSO, if one site/app time out value is set to something and another is a higher value.The time out of the first site logs you out, then because of SSO, it logs you out of the second one... somehow Chrome is getting "confused" and you see the behavior you are experiencing. We have endured this behavior for sometime now but I will forward your concerns to our development team.

We do not have another way at this point then to recommend to clear your cache & cookies. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Is this only an issue in Chrome?  Is there a better browser to use?


Google Chrome is the preferred browser for Item Management. I have found that using CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE on you keyboard to clear the browsing data.