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Linking items to multiple case quantities

New Contributor

I have an existing item (each) linked to a Case.  I need to link this each item to another/different case quantity but it won't let me because it says one of them is already published.  The Each is published but I need to link the each to another case quantity.  How do I do that?

7 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning.  Can you provide me your Each GTIN and the Case you want to link it to?  I will take a look for you.


Each GTIN is 00719218101774

Currently it is linked to Case GTIN 10719218101771


I need it to link to a New Case GTIN 60719218101776 -  This one I can't get to publish and don't know why.  I was trying to link the Each to this one and then publish but then I get the error.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning and thanks for those details.  The issue is the Parent GTIN 60719218101776 that you want to link the Each to is already published.  You cannot change the structure of a hierarchy for a published parent GTIN.  You will need to go to Manage Publications, search for GTIN 60719218101776, withdraw the publication, wait a full 25 hours for that to process, then you can link as needed and publish again.

I hope this helps.

How do I withdraw a publication

Sorry re read the last response.   Okay.  I will withdraw.  What was confusing is it doesn't show it is published on my end shows it still pending.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Here you go...



Thank you.