07-12-2023 10:50 AM
Good morning,
I am currently working on publishing items to our retailers and I have stumbled across a warning message when validating that I have never had before and one that I believe I have done everything for it not to show up is there any way you could review this warning message and help solve this problem or give insight to find a solution?
07-13-2023 08:35 AM
Hello Mason, and welcome back to our online community. I would love to assist you in answering this inquiry. I will need the GTIN you are working on so I can review it to see why the validation was triggered.
Please let me know and I can provide assistance with the validation.
07-13-2023 08:40 AM
@masonboedeker, I had that issue a while back and was advised to clear by browsing data, which helped. After this step (shown on screen shot), I signed on again to 1WS and was able to complete validating the item.
I'm not sure if this step will help you and I will be following your post to see if there is anything else that we need to have in mind when encountering this particular issue.
07-13-2023 09:39 AM
I started by removing the playlists you had attached to this GTIN. The Albertsons playlist was making the FAT content to be pointed out to the supplier. We need to bear in mind that you can remove the playlist which makes the validation disappear.
The warning is asking you for a requirement that Albertsons is wanting to have included on the submission. You will get the same validation when you attempt to submit to Albertsons.
Let me know if this answers your question or if there are any points I can clarify for you.