06-24-2022 02:32 PM
For McLane requirement, I cannot get the inner pack qty and qty of next level items correct. I believe the hierarchy quantities however are correct. Please help.
Also, how do I get permission to upload images and documents?
06-27-2022 03:24 PM
The "Drag and drop here or browse files to attach" still does not work for me. Also, I checked your solution to my issue about validating. You stated "On an Each level GTIN, your Qty Next Level Items should always be "1" and you had "6". You changed them to "0" not "1" and I was able to confirm it validated just fine. Please confirm it should be 0 and not 1.
06-27-2022 03:28 PM
Sorry, I mean that you did not change the Qty of Next Level Items to "1" but whatever change you made, it worked. I think it was the inner pack you changed to "0"?
06-27-2022 03:28 PM
On an Each level GTIN, your Qty of Next Level Items should always be "1."
06-27-2022 03:32 PM
Hello, sorry for any confusion. On an Each level GTIN, your Qty of Next Level Items should always be "1."
Below is my note from the other day where I changed the other values "Not Qty Next Level Items" but "inner packs" from 6 to 0.
On an Each level GTIN, your Qty Next Level Items should always be "1" and you had "6." I also removed the values below and it validates successfully. Can you please double-check that this does not compromise your product content and if not, send it to Mclane.
Case 40878114022236 has 6 inner packs...removed
Pack 30878114022239 has 6 inner packs...removed
Does this make more sense?
06-27-2022 03:45 PM - edited 06-27-2022 03:45 PM
I think you need to look again. This is what it shows and the hierarchy validated at the case level which it did not on Friday before I posted here.
Case 40878114022236 has 6 inner packs...removed - Inner Pack = 0, Qty Next Level Item within inner pack = 24, Qty Next Level Item = 24
Pack 30878114022239 has 6 inner packs...removed - Inner Pack = 0, Qty Next Level Item within inner pack = 6, Qty Next Level Item = 6
On an Each level GTIN, your Qty Next Level Items should always be "1" - does not appear to be a correct statement.
I still cannot drag and drop files.
06-27-2022 03:55 PM
Your Each is Qty of Next Level Items = 1, which is what I changed and reported to you and it validated successfully Friday after that change.
06-27-2022 03:59 PM
As I mentioned in the previous part of this thread, you did not need to populate the "Innerpack" values because those are for items without a GTIN which you did not have. You have a GTIN for your pack level. These are all of the changes I made to help you validate your hierarchy:
* Changed Qty of Next Level Items to "1" on your Each level GTIN as it always has to be on an Each 00878114022238
* Case 40878114022236 had "6" for inner packs which I removed
* Pack 30878114022239 has "6" inner packs which I removed
Doe, this make more sense?
06-27-2022 04:00 PM
For the images, are you just trying to add an image to this thread? If not, where are you trying to add an image?
06-27-2022 04:03 PM
Yes, it does now.
06-27-2022 04:05 PM
Let's go back to my original question which has not been addressed. I want to be able to attach files here.
Also, how do I get permission to upload images and documents?
The "Drag and drop here or browse files to attach" still does not work for me