06-24-2022 02:32 PM
For McLane requirement, I cannot get the inner pack qty and qty of next level items correct. I believe the hierarchy quantities however are correct. Please help.
Also, how do I get permission to upload images and documents?
06-24-2022 04:37 PM
On an Each level GTIN, your Qty Next Level Items should always be "1" and you had "6." I also removed the values below and it validates successfully. Can you please double-check that this does not compromise your product content and if not, send it to Mclane.
Case 40878114022236 has 6 inner packs...removed
Pack 30878114022239 has 6 inner packs...removed
06-27-2022 03:55 PM
Your Each is Qty of Next Level Items = 1, which is what I changed and reported to you and it validated successfully Friday after that change.
06-27-2022 03:59 PM
As I mentioned in the previous part of this thread, you did not need to populate the "Innerpack" values because those are for items without a GTIN which you did not have. You have a GTIN for your pack level. These are all of the changes I made to help you validate your hierarchy:
* Changed Qty of Next Level Items to "1" on your Each level GTIN as it always has to be on an Each 00878114022238
* Case 40878114022236 had "6" for inner packs which I removed
* Pack 30878114022239 has "6" inner packs which I removed
Doe, this make more sense?
06-29-2022 03:06 PM
Hello @Cls0324 I hope the rest of your week is going well since we last chatted. I made another update to your profile. Can you try adding an image and let me know if you encounter that same error?
06-24-2022 04:05 PM
Hello and welcome back. I am happy to take a look for you. Can you provide me with your publication level GTIN?
06-24-2022 04:10 PM
Sure, it is 40878114022236. It is not published as of yet. Just entering a new set of items and ran into the problem with validating the hierarchy.
06-24-2022 04:14 PM
I would have shared the spec sheet here for review but I am unable to attach documents or images and I do not now why.
06-24-2022 04:16 PM - edited 06-24-2022 04:17 PM
On y our pack level GTIN, you populated a value of 6 for Inner Pack. That reflects the number of non-GTIN contained but you have a GTIN on the Each so I wonder if that value of 6 is the issue. Your Inner Pack value of 144 on the Case could also relate to the issue.
06-24-2022 04:23 PM
I made changes and I still get the error. I do not know what to do to fix. A case has 24 cartons of 6 consumer units. A carton has 6 consumer units in it. I believe I have it correct in the hierarchy but there's something wrong with the qty of next level fields???
06-24-2022 04:30 PM
Your link quantities and your qty of next-level items align but the declared values in other areas can impact those numbers from a validation standpoint. I am looking again...
06-24-2022 04:37 PM
On an Each level GTIN, your Qty Next Level Items should always be "1" and you had "6." I also removed the values below and it validates successfully. Can you please double-check that this does not compromise your product content and if not, send it to Mclane.
Case 40878114022236 has 6 inner packs...removed
Pack 30878114022239 has 6 inner packs...removed
06-27-2022 03:00 PM
Thank you! It worked. You still have not advised why I can't attach files or images here.
06-27-2022 03:07 PM
Hello, sorry I missed that question. Can you try again and advise? I just updated your profile.