04-24-2024 11:48 AM
I linked an "Each" to a case but after validating I noticed that the quantity of Each was wrong. I entered the weight of each (10 lbs) instead of count of eaches in case, which is 2. I am trying to delete "10" and replace it with a "2" but it is not working....is there a way I can edit the "each" content? or I have to "publish delete" and re-publish both the "case" and the "Each"? I added a screenshot below for reference...
I will highly appreciate any guidance on this matter.
Thank you,
04-24-2024 12:05 PM
Thank you for reaching out to our customer community. Welcome.
Please see the example screenshot below, if you're looking to change the link quantity at the hierarchy level (highlighted in yellow), you'll need to unlink the Each by selecting the - (circled in red) then relink with the correct quantity:
04-24-2024 01:27 PM
Hi DanV,
I already tried that but it shows an error message when I try to "update hierarchy" see the screenshot below
04-24-2024 01:53 PM
Hello @Seebo! The error you have shown here is a result of the items being published. When reviewing the parent item,10743767000247, there were 9 active publications. These would need to be deleted to make any changes to the links. Once the publications have been deleted for at least 24 hours you should be able to go in and change the links information.
How to delete publications: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/Training-Documents/Video-Publication-Withdraw-or-Delete/ta-p/613...
If you have any more questions, please let us know. Thanks!