03-28-2023 11:51 AM
How often does the Ecomm Ready run to check for updated items? I deleted and unpublished several items that we no longer carry. As I attempt to work through cleaning up that readiness list I get an error that "This Item is not found, and may have been removed." How do I get that cleaned up?
Please see attached screenshot.
03-29-2023 09:46 AM
Hello @michaelc . I talked to tech support who created a ticket and is contacting you. In the meantime I wonder if this is why you are not seeing the Hide option:
From the Status area you can Hide...
03-28-2023 01:24 PM
Hello @michaelc and thank you for using our customer community. I believe there is a way you can actually hide unwanted instances. We are looking into this for you and will get back to you. Sorry, I gotta investigate this one.
03-28-2023 03:45 PM
Hello @michaelc Please see below. While looking at your list of items, on the far right click status then select Not Applicable:
03-28-2023 04:16 PM
I am not seeing what is in your screenshot.
03-29-2023 08:13 AM
Hello @michaelc I reached out to our technical support team and asked them to contact you and help you out on this one. This may be one that is easier to look at on a call together.
03-29-2023 09:46 AM
Hello @michaelc . I talked to tech support who created a ticket and is contacting you. In the meantime I wonder if this is why you are not seeing the Hide option:
From the Status area you can Hide...
03-29-2023 03:08 PM
That was it! Thank you for your assistance.