03-25-2022 11:39 PM
Hi - I've been trying to set up a couple shipper display items and run into the following error when setting up the hierarchy:
Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) should only be true for the lowest level Item in the hierarchy. If ChildTradeItem/gtin is not empty then Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) must be equal to false.
I have based my items setup on a prior shipper display item setup which appears to be fine, and I'm just not seeing where the issue lies. One of the problem GTINs is 00737539196026, which should contain 6 cases of 00737539196002 . The one that is working is 00737539193704.
Thanks for your help!
03-28-2022 08:06 AM
Hello JTUBBY and thank you for reaching out via the customer community. I am taking a look at this for you and will get back to you...
03-28-2022 08:32 AM
Hello. Great username by the way. I took a look and believe you are encountering the issue because your proposed parent GTIN 00737539196026 has a Qty Next Level Items value of 6 but it is not linked to anything below it. Can you link it to your other GTINs and validate?