01-31-2022 09:23 AM
Good morning - I am receiving the below warning. I attribute is in 1WS and I have even tried to re-publish to Kroger. Any suggestions?
2798 WARNIN Number of Items/Pallet (numberOfItemsPerPallet) must be provided.
01-31-2022 09:55 AM
Thank you for reaching out with your question. Where are you receiving this error, when you attempt to publish or just when you validate?
01-31-2022 09:57 AM
This warning will not go away even when I validate and publish
01-31-2022 10:05 AM
Can you enter the Number of Items per Pallet? What GTIN are you looking at?
01-31-2022 10:11 AM
00079298169003 is the GTIN, number of items/pallet is already there.
02-08-2022 02:20 PM
Have you had a chance to look at the GTIN provided above?
02-08-2022 03:22 PM
I reviewed and resent the content to Kroger. The validation is dated back in November of 2021, I would go ahead and validate the hierarchy and submit it to Kroger. The review should not stop you from submitting to Kroger successfully. We know the content will be there and the validation should not stop it.
Let me know and we can monitor after it has been submitted.
02-08-2022 03:46 PM
Thank you for your reply. I have validated and published to Kroger. Are you saying my recipient requests review should go from 21 to 20 after doing this? Because I have other GTINs telling me the same thing.
02-08-2022 03:57 PM
The responses should change from review to received, so perhaps the same number but different response. The review response in the Kroger comments will stay there but they should respond with received and an IMF number in the comments.