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GUDID Publish Dates

New Contributor II

I have several items that are being obsoleted, so I need to update in GUDID.  Unfortunately, 1WS has the wrong publish date listed, so is giving me an error.  How can I change the publish date for these items to match what is in GUDID?


6 Replies


Hi @LisaG, thanks for reaching out! I wasn't able to find an attribute that corresponds to the published date. That said, the attribute named "Start Availability Date Time" is defined as "The date from which the trade item becomes available from the supplier, including seasonal or temporary trade item and services." Is this what you would like to change? 

New Contributor II

I am looking to update the 'UDID First Publication Date Time'


New Contributor II

I am looking to update the 'UDID First Publication Date Time'


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @LisaG can you tell us what error message you are getting when you try to change those dates in IM?

The error is telling me the publish dates cannot be changed, which is correct.  However, in this situation, the dates in 1WS are wrong and need to be change so I can submit the records successfully to the FDA.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @LisaG and thank you for your patience while we took a look at this for you.  We reviewed the FDA documentation and talked to internal subject matter experts to confirm that since those dates pass 7 days, you will need to make updates for those items directly in the GUDID.

