11-03-2021 09:19 AM - edited 11-03-2021 10:06 AM
Once you log into VIP, you can search for the existing item you wish to export and use that as a template. Please follow the steps below. Note: For a Non-GDSN item, you would have to first create an item before exporting it from entered items.
You can learn more about this process via this video: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/Kroger-Training/Video-VIP-Module-4-Spreadsheet-Data-Loader-SDL/t...
You can learn more about Non-GDSN items here: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/Knowledge-Articles/Kroger-Quick-Sheets-for-Non-GDSN-VIP/ta-p/108...