06-03-2021 10:03 AM - edited 07-27-2023 01:32 PM
View the Albertsons Module 6 Training Video for Item Level Attributes 6.8 HERE.
Section 6.8 Item Level Attributes (4 min.)
▪ Hazmat Transportation Considerations
▪ WERCs ID Code
▪ Is item regulated by the DOT via any mode of transport?
▪ Is this item prohibited for transport in any quantity via any of the following modes
of transport?
▪ If item is regulated by the DOT, please enter the correct hazardous material
classification that appears on the outside of the packaging
▪ Is Item Aerosol
▪ Aerosol Level
▪ Marine Pollutants
▪ Marine Pollutant Name
▪ SDS Sheet URL