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Send product back to production

A product that has been placed ''On hold'' (not Available) or ''Rejected'' can be sent back to production as long as we receive the
required technical specifications for the product. Commercial component such as images, marketing text , key selling points
etc. will not suffice to create a product.

A product can be sent back to production by either a bulk upload or through a single upload:

1. Send a single product back to production

● Go to "Catalog" and under the "Status" drop down filter to the list you would like to see ( Not Available or Rejected) and click



on search
● Once the result appears, please click on a part number to access the product page.
● Once on the product page click on "back to production" in the top right corner.

● Enter all the mandatory information on the next page and click ok.

2. Send multiple SKUs back to production

To send multiple SKUs to production , the ParnerAccess upload file can be used in this case the mandatory field should be:
● Part Number (Column A)
● Product Descriptions ( Column B)
● Product URL ( Column T)
● Product Data Sheet ( Column U)
Once that has been populated, the file can be uploaded by following the process described HERE

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-15-2023 06:56 AM
Updated by: