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How to fill in the upload file

The Excel file should be filled specifically according to the prepopulated examples on it.
Hovering the headers of the Enrich Catalog Template will provide you additional details on how to fill in the cells.

Mandotary Fields.

● Part Number ( Colmun A): This will be the manufacturer product code.
● Product Description ( Column B): This is the product name.

Non Mandatory but Necessary Fields

● UPC/EAN (Column D) : you can submit your product barcode here.
● Marketing Text (Column G)
● Primary image ( Column H) & additionnal images ( Cloumn O-S) : Images are submited as direct URLs to the file ( click HERE for an example) not a gallery URL, downlad or media database URL.
● Key Selling Points (Column I-N)
● Product URL ( Column T) : direct link to the product on your website.
● Product Data Sheet ( Column U): direct URL to the file , the file provided here will also be redistributed with the content.
● User Manual ( Column V): direct URL to the file , the file provided here will also be redistributed with the content.
● Quick Start Guide (Column W): direct URL to the file , the file provided here will also be redistributed with the content.
● Material Safety Data Sheet (Column X): direct URL to the file , the file provided here will also be redistributed with the content.

Optional Fields

● Urgent ( column C) up to 20 product can be marked as urgent per Upload, this mean they will have priority on creation.
● Launch Date (Column E): should you be launching a new product , you can specify here when it should be available.
● End of Life: (Column F): you can specify whether a product is no longer manufactured with a Yes.





Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎06-15-2023 07:04 AM
Updated by: