06-26-2023 02:36 AM - edited 06-26-2023 02:36 AM
Status of SKU
Released: SKUs 1WorldSync Content Solutions produced datasheets for In Production: SKUs 1WorldSync Content Solutions is currently processing (researching and producing data for) On Hold: SKUs that are waiting on hold because there is insufficient product information Rejected: SKUs rejected for reasons such as invalid part number, out of 1WorldSync Content Solutions catalog scope, etc.
Creation Date of SKU
Date when SKU was created in 1WorldSync Content Solutions' catalog
Life Cycle of SKU
Pre-launch: SKUs added to the product launch calendar but not officially released Active: SKUs active in your catalog and currently being sold on the market. This is the initial default status for all of your SKUs: some SKUs may be discontinued but will appear active until you modify the status. End of Life: SKUs officially discontinued by the manufacturer
Premier Channel Partners status
SKUs included (or not included) in the catalogs of your Premier Channel Partners
Standardized Description
1WorldSync Content Solutions' Standardized Descriptions are generated from atomic attributes using category-specific and manufacturer-independent description templates
Launch Date
Date when datasheet will be disseminated to the whole channel
Withdrawal Date
End-of-life date for the product
Related Products
Compatible Accessories that are linked to the product. You can modify the list by deleting any accessory products or adding the missing ones to the list.
Favorite Products
Favorite SKUs are some select SKUs from your catalog that you would like mark up to be able to return to.
To add products to your Favorites you just need to pick any products from your catalog and press SKU favorites button right in product list.
If SKU favorites button is orange ( ) the product must be on your Favorites list already.
Tracked Products
Tracked SKUs are dedicated for newly launched products. You may track the change in the number of requests for a particular SKU to gauge the popularity of this SKU amongst resellers.
To add products to the list of tracked SKUs, to pick products from your catalog and press the SKU tracking button in the product list.
If SKU tracking button is green ( ) the product is on your tracked SKU list already.