on 07-31-2020 08:14 AM
Suggested Return Policy – Return Goods Policy in Item Management
Please populate the attribute on each level of your GTIN hierarchy. In Enhanced Item Management (EIM), select the Lowe’s Playlist and search for the attribute. EIM will present the attribute to you.
In Classic Item Management (IM), make sure you are in Full Item View > click the Ordering & Selling tab > the Return Goods Policy attribute. These are the values Lowe’s accepts for this attribute: DESTROY_FOR_CREDIT, RETURN_FOR_CREDIT, HOLD_FOR_INSPECTION and CALL_FOR_AUTHORIZATION.
Trying to Publish an Item for Lowe's. I have confirmed the Returns Goods Policy is: Call for Authorization. The item validates, but I keep getting this error.
My CIC Detail says:
Return Goods Policy is not a value acceptable to Lowes | ACTION_NEEDED |
Any Help Available for this??
Thank you!! Toby S
Hello, Robot66, nice name. Can you provide me your parent level GTIN so I can look a little closer for you?
Good Morning Jedi22!!
LoL on the username. I am all set. I do not know what happened here, but I got confirmation this morning from Lowe's that the item has been synched. I am very appreciative you were willing to help me out.
Thank you - Have a great day!!