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Community Manager

Albertson’s Lancaster distribution center transitioned from Supervalu’s procurement & warehousing systems onto Alberton’s Companies “In-House” systems. The transition impacted new item submissions through Product Introduction. True warehouse items are no longer required to be submitted as Direct Store Delivery (DSD) items.  The distribution center for the Lancaster warehouse was added into PI in 2019. This also means that a DSD Authorization worksheet will no longer be necessary for Lancaster sourced items.

 For Warehouse Suppliers, Distributors and Brokers that service other Albertsons Companies divisions:

  • The New item submission process mirrors how you currently submit new items in other Albertsons divisions. Through the Warehouse Distribution controller, you will select “34-WLAN,” Lancaster Whse in Product Introduction.

Suppliers, Distributors and Brokers that only service Acme division, please follow the below instructions:

  • All steps of new item submission remain the same EXCEPT instead of using the DSD Distribution controller, you will now utilize the Warehouse Distribution controller (also on the Hierarchy Data Page). Select your GTIN/Item Type in the power row and then click on the blue hyperlink for Selected DCs. The following popup box will appear with the DC options.  Select 34-WLAN Lancaster Whse and click OK.

image (6).png

  • Fill out all other applicable columns in the Warehouse Distribution controller by utilizing the horizontal scroll bar
  • Lastly, click on the + to the left of the GTIN to ADD a row for that DC. Row should populate under the power row

Acme Image 2.png

Submit item as you normally would to move the item forward in the workflow


For step by step guidance on the Warehouse Distribution controller or any other area of PI, please utilize the free on-demand Supplier Training modules available at:

  • Under the Education header, select Albertsons PI Supplier Training modules
  • Register and receive the Training Menu via email
  • Section 9.7 Hierarchy Data Page will review all aspects of the Warehouse Distribution Controller


Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-31-2020 08:11 AM
Updated by: