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Community Manager
Community Manager

Access to Item Management is provided per user and is controlled by the User Admin for your organization.  The admin can grant various levels of access to the users for your organization.  This includes limitations on whether you as a user can publish to trading partners on behalf of your company GLN. 

If you are working in Item Management and after creating, linking, and validating your item, whether you see the “Publish” button in IM is determined by access provided to you by your user role.  If the Save button does not appear for you in Item Management, here are some steps to consider:

  1. If you are the User Admin for your company, you can update access in our user management system we call UMA.  You can access UMA only if you are the admin for your company:
  1. If you try to login and do not have admin rights including editing privileges, please contact the user administrator for your company and ask them to update your role so you can publish items. If you are unsure of who your admin is, please contact the 1WorldSync Service Desk and we can provide you their email address.  Your admin can either update your role in UMA or send an email to us at and we can make the updates as they request in writing.
  2. It is possible you may not see the publish button if your company uses a 1WorldSync Solution Partner.  If you use a Solution Partner, you can only publish to them via their application.
New Contributor II

As an Admin user, how do I know which role makes sense for the people I'm trying to grant access to? I can't find any documentation explaining what the different IM Roles mean, and a lot of them sound very similar to one another. (For example, what's the difference between a Publication Manager and Publisher General User?)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, the transition from Classic to Enhanced IM created the need to update these roles.  I am checking to see how these roles may have changed and will get some answers for you.

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎08-17-2020 11:28 AM
Updated by: