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Contributor II

There are very specific circumstances that require a publication to be withdrawn/deleted. In fact, if you are attempting to change 5 specific attributes in your hierarchy, then you must withdraw/delete the publication and wait 25 hours before applying the update. The attributes are below:

  • Deleting a Special Item Code
  • Changing Trade Item Non-Physical
  • Unlinking a GTIN from your hierarchy
  • Updating the link quantity/Quantity of Next Level Items
  • Changing Base Unit Indicator

There is no way to reduce or eliminate the waiting period of 25 hours.

If you do not wish to change one of the 5 attributes listed above and simply need to change a different attribute, you can apply the desired change to your item and publish the item back to the intended recipient(s).








New Contributor

When I need to update the Quantity of Next Level Items for an item. Do I need to Delete the publication or Withdrawl? Not sure what the difference is and when to use each. 



Good question!

Withdrawal Publication is used to withdraw a published hierarchy by performing a Publication Delete. The difference between Publication Delete and Withdrawal is how the recipient sees this item flagged. If a Withdrawal is performed, it will tell the recipient they can expect to receive data on this item again.

New Community Member

I used Publication Delete instead of Withdrawal on a published hierarchy. I will be publishing the data again. Will this be a problem when I republish the GTINs?



You will not have any problems when you publish again.

Community Manager
Community Manager

That is a good question that allows me to discuss several aspects to help you here.  When you perform a publication delete, from a standards perspective, you are telling your trading partner you are no longer selling that item and breaking synchronization.  When you withdraw a publication, you are letting them know you are making necessary changes and will send it again.  The good news is, most recipients will still accept your pub, whether you deleted it or withdrew it before making changes.  

Just a reminder, republishing is functionality in IM to have a pub override an existing pub.  I believe you were just saying to publish again and not that functionality.  We do have an article on that in the community if you are interested.



New Community Member

Thank you jcharles and CommunityJedi22.

Yes, I will be publishing again, not republishing. 

New Contributor II

Q1 - When you publish it back (not re-publish), do you publish it as New or Initial Load?

Q2 - When you withdraw/delete in IM, do you have to delist the item in PI as well (Kroger/Albertson)? Then, after 25 hrs, publish in IM (New/Initial Load), and then in PI, hit submit?

- Arkam

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ArkamNusky and welcome back to the Community.  Thanks for your follow-up questions.  For question 1, the answer depends on the status of your product with your trading partner, typically.  Some recipients require certain publication types.  For others, if your item is already being sold to them, the best practice is to publish it as an initial load.  If they are not yet selling it, publish it as new.  

For question 2, no, you do not need to do anything in PI.  When a publication is withdrawn or removed in IM to a PI recipient, then the status will change to withdrawn in PI until you publish it again from IM.

New Contributor II

@CommunityJedi thanks.


New Contributor


I've withdrawn a pubblication because we need to change the hierarchy. We waited 24h and we thought we could change the hierarchy, in particular we need to remove the upper lavel. But it seems it is not possible. It makes me change only lower levels. Someone can help us? How can we do?


Thank you very much,




Hello @Erica and thank you for reaching out through the Community.

Do I have your permission to test if I can remove the Pallet from the hierarchy? 

New Contributor

yes, of course please



@Erica thank you for your patience while we work on resolving it. I was able to remove the link from the Pallet and link the Case back to it.

Can you please let me know what error you are encountering? 

New Contributor

Hi Julie

is it possible to jump in a TEAMS call.

I think could be better if we can talk and go through the portal together

Thanks so much for your support



Hello @Erica, unfortunately we can not set that up, however you can call our number and discuss with someone on the phone. 

As mentioned, I was able to unlink the Pallet from the Case and I was able to link the Case back to the Pallet without any issues. What links are you trying to modify and when are you receiving the error? Can you provide me with either screenshots of the errors or just copy and paste them here so I can understand your situation better? Thank you!

New Contributor



New Contributor

It seems we are still having the pallet in the hierarchy.

Where did you cancel it?

Please see the example above





@Erica, I removed the link to test if it works, however I linked the items back as it was only done for the purpose of testing. Are you still receiving an error when attempting to unlink your items? 

I have attached the article on how to unlink an item:

New Contributor

Hi, the recipient sent me these reasons that are keeping my items from publishing. Do I need to withdrawal them, or can they be edited? 



Community Support

Hello @evenflowlive Thank you for reaching out to our customer community. Welcome. You must withdraw the publications only if the hierarchy requires a new level within the hierarchy such as an each or you need to update the base unit indicator. The withdraw publication requires a 25-hour wait before you can make the update and publish again the item.

 When Do I Have to Wait 25 Hours to Update My Item/Hierarchy?

If your item is a bulk item then you do not need to withdraw the publications or add a consumer level just update the items with the attached requirements and save the updates made.

If you would like us to take a closer look then please provide a GTIN as an example and the recipient name.

Thank you!

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Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎11-16-2022 04:12 PM
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