Sometimes when publishing your product content to Wakefern, the hierarchy does not show in the Wakefern New Item portal even though you have a “Received” CIC from Wakefern. In this instance, the “Received” CIC from Wakefern can seem a little misleading. Your publication was successful, there are likely some issues within your item hierarchy that prevented it from fully processing to the portal. Please review the following troubleshooting steps:
- The publication hierarchy is not built correctly. As an example, a Case linked to a Case, when the correct build would be CASE / EACH.
- You do not have a level of the hierarchy marked as consumer unit “Yes.”

- You have the consumer unit level of the hierarchy entered with a 14-digit GS1 Trade Item ID Key Code and Value. Your consumer unit should be a UPC or an EAN 13.

- Wakefern is not subscribed to your GLN. We are not able to accept any GTIN publications from a GLN not in our system. Please follow the process to gain a subscription from Wakefern per their Implementation Guide found on the 1WorldSync landing page for Wakefern:
- The status of the GTIN is listed as “Failed – Sending to Subscriber”. This means that the GTIN transmission failed. Please look in the Item History Report in Enhanced Item Management to see any errors that would prevent publication.

- Wakefern requires that all trading partners publish the isDispatchUnit, isInvoiceUnit and isOrderableUnit as “true/yes” for at least one level of the hierarchy.

- Wakefern requires that all netContent and netContent unitOfMeasure be published as declared on the product packaging. Where the packaging states multiple net contents (e.g. 16.9 fl oz and 500 ml), both must be published.

- Dynamic assortment hierarchies must have the specialItemCode attribute populated with Dynamic_Assortment on the level of the item hierarchy for which it would be applicable.