on 08-25-2020 03:02 PM
In GDSN, publishing is when you formally send your product content to your trading partners. To successfully publish your item(s), you must meet certain GDSN requirements and any requirements specific to your trading partners. Below is an overview and some points to troubleshoot if you published but your trading partner did not receive your publication.
At a high level, the GDSN message choreography requires you to “successfully” publish your item to your trading partner, the recipient must have subscribed to you in some way (GLN, GTIN, etc.), and the master subscription must run for the recipient (these usually run every hour or two based on your recipient’s schedule). These are important notes to keep in mind as you troubleshoot any publication issues in Item Management.
Anytime you publish to a trading partner, it is a good practice to check back a couple of hours later to see any response back from them. In Enhanced IM you can do this via the Sync Status Report and the Recipient Responses (CIC) report. For these reports, you can search by your publication level GTIN to see the status of your publication. If you check these reports and do not see a CIC response from the recipient you published to then they most likely did not receive your publication and you may need to dig a little further to see why.
Remember the rules about GDSN message choreography? The first one talked about a successful publication. This means your publication passed all the minimally required attribute validations based on the information you provided. To ensure your publication was successful, you can review the Item History report. This report shows your transaction history for your item including any validation errors that would prevent a successful publication. If your item publication does not pass these validations, you will likely see an error in this report called “Completed with Warnings.” This is a little misleading based on the interpretation of the message. It means no further actions processed for that item due to some important validation errors that must be corrected.
When you see this status error in the Item History Report, click the little green arrow to the far left of the screen to see the details of your error. Correct these and publish again.
What happens if CIC response is received but not sync?
Is my recipient receiving the data I am sharing with them?
Hello @LuisalbaMunoz and welcome back to the Community!
The Received CIC Response generally means your recipient has received the published information and has not yet verified the details of the submitted item(s).
If you need assistance for a specific item, please share the GTIN with us here or you can raise a ticket with our Tech Support team by using this link Create New Ticket or by following the steps in this short guide How to Create and Manage Your Tickets.
Thank you!
I have a question regarding the report called “Completed with Warnings.". I can see that my CIC shows a few warnings for a select number of GTINs published. The recipient stated is 1WorldSync Content1 and the warning says "2798 WARNING: Count of This Specific Item in a Non-GTIN Logistic Unit/NonGTIN Pallet Quantity (numberOfItemsPerPallet) must be provided."
I am constantly seeing a duplicate of my publications with information publishing to 1WorldSync Content1. The same items are published to my trading partners will no issues. Can you please explain this?
Hello @MinhLamAroa and and welcome back to the Community!
On the highest levels of your hierarchies, it is necessary to also add the Pallet Ti and Hi attributes and, if the Non-GTIN Ti and Hi are provided, then the attribute called Count of This Specific Item in a Non-GTIN Logistic Unit/NonGTIN Pallet Quantity (numberOfItemsPerPallet) must be provided.
This attribute represents the total number of items on a Pallet, so Ti times Hi, please.If you would like the Review message solved, just adding the 3 attributes will fix this.
The 1WorldSync Content1 publications are related to an opt-in where suppliers can allow us to publish their items into Content1 for our use. You company can also opt out from publishing items to 1WorldSync Content1 if you so desire, and this needs to be discussed by your company with our assigned Account Manager for you.
Please let us know if this helped or if there is anything else we can assist with regarding this topic.
Thank you!