on 04-13-2021 03:43 PM
Is there a way to export items detailing the error/warnings that are associated with them?
Welcome to our online community!
You can actually use the Recipient Report for anything your Trading Partners send back to you.
If you used the FUSE template to upload items and when it encounters an error it will provide a .cvs that will include any errors.
What context are you asking for, when adding an item or after they were published?
Thank you for your quick response. We are actually looking into running a report to present to our business leaders to see how items, that we already have published, weigh against a new GLN that would like to potentially work with.
We do have a report that is available at
The link above will lead you to our IM Quick sheets that will provide the exact steps to pull the Recipient Response Report.
Is this report only for recipients who we are already sending data to? Our goal is to view and export the errors/warnings on a list of items that we have published for other recipients but are not connected to this new potential recipient yet. We want to export the errors/warnings on these items if we do end up sending data to the recipient.
Yes, the report I provided would only be for recipients that are responding to your publications. You could get any of the CIC. If I understand you correctly you could extract a number or all of your GTIN, which would provide you with every populated attribute included in the GTIN.
Does the extraction path sound like it might function better for your needs?
I was able to use the extraction path for the set of GTINs I want to look at it. I thought there may have been a way to see the errors/warnings based on a playlist of a recipient we are looking to work with but are not yet connected.
No sadly, we do not have a report that can run the playlist validations and then provide them on a report. The IM participant dictionary would provide the attribute found in a specific playlist. You would be able to set up a FUSE sheet so you could see which items in your list needed which attributes.
Thank you so much for all of the information/resources.