09-07-2022 03:43 PM - edited 09-29-2022 11:57 AM
With the September release (IM 8.31), there are some changes that will take effect which will align Item Management with the GS1 Global Data Model (GDM) work. GDM has set up a model for global and regional attributes. These attributes provide a basic set of content for items in 5 core categories- Food and Beverages, Alcoholic Beverages, Pet Food, Tobacco, and Near Food.
Part of this work was to develop business-friendly attribute names and definitions. These would be the GUI Name and GUI Help Text used by the IM GUI (online tool). GDM has asked all the data pools to align their tools with these names and definitions. The purpose of the alignment was to aid users in identifying attributes in a more user-friendly fashion. 1WorldSync will deploy this alignment as part of the September release. These changes affect about 260 attributes. Some have both the name and definition; some have one or the other.
To see the attributes that have this change, we have updated the IM Participant Dictionary. There are markers for the changes in the Revision column on the appropriate tabs. We have also placed a marker in the Notes column on the IM Participant Dictionary tab. The markers will note which attribute is changing and what the previous GUI Name was (where the name is changed).
These changes will be deployed into Preproduction on 9/9/22 and into Production on 10/1/22.
On the IM Participant Dictionary Tab
On the IM PLaylist Attributes Tab
On IM PD Mandatory- Dependent Attributes Tab
Where can I find the September release (IM 8.31) IM Participant Dictionary and other documents for the future release that I used to be able to find in the Solutions Center?
Okay, I did find the (IM 8.31) IM Participant Dictionary, but where are the Release Notes?
I too am unable to find the release notes.
Hello and thank you for reaching out via the customer community. I am glad to see you found the IMPD notes. Let me check with our Product team to learn when the 8.31 Release NOtes will be available.
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Technology and Release Updates
The Trade Item Feature Benefits needing to be entered, are longer than the 1WorldSync boxes allow of 250 characters. At times the placements of our Marketing Statements and Trade Item Feature Benefits may shift placements and with Trade Item Feature Benefits #1 can become #2. Will 1WorldSync as a data pool provider allow more than 250 character for our data pool, Trade Item Feature Benefits please? Many times it's under the 250 character limit but not the Marketing Statements that shift with the Trade Item Feature Benefits. It's nice you allow 4000 characters for the Marketing Message but I don't know many customers who would want to read that much for a Marketing Message. Best to have space I guess. Maybe it can occur for the Trade Item Feature Benefits too?
Thank you.
Thank you @Herbs . I am sending your request to our Product team.
Hello @Herbs . I discussed your question with our Product team's attribution subject matter expert. Unfortunately, no, we are not able to increase the text size for this field. It is set by the standard. They have refused to go past 250 for a while now.
Feature Benefits are short bullet statements, not long multi-sentences. That type of content is to be in the Marketing Message. We have found that most of our recipients can take several thousand characters in a marketing message. Most will only take 70-90 characters for Feature Benefit. The reason the field is 250 is for languages like French where the language causes extra words or longer words for the bullet.
If you share a GTIN and the info you want to post we could coach you on the best practice for that.