on 08-17-2022 11:22 AM
1. Obtain a GS1 Company Prefix and Global Location Number (GLN). Learn more (here)
2. Assign Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) to all levels of your product hierarchy. All Items must be GTIN Compliant. For details go to www.gtin.info
3. Review VIP Training Resources and register for training
4. Determine How Your Company Will Communicate Product Information to Kroger.
All suppliers are required to submit product information by using:
5. Identify Your Data Management Contacts
6. Review Attribute Requirements
7. Register for the VIP
8. Submit Item(s) via the VIP!
9. Need help?
For Kroger business questions contact the Kroger Supplier Engagement Group:
For VIP or 1WorldSync technical questions contact the 1WorldSync Technical Support Center:
For VIP or 1Worldsync registration questions contact the 1WorldSync Business Support Services:
Best regards
Hi Edmund and welcome to our online community!
The GLN you want to publish to from Item Management would be 0011110000019. You can search by "The Kroger*" and it will come right up.
You can choose to publish the same hierarchy from Item Management. You will see two hierarchies afterward, one with a G to the left which represents GDSN and N which represents Non-GDSN.
The GTIN you entered directly into Kroger's portal can only be updated in the portal. The hierarchy that you publish from Item Management can be updated as you go along.
Let me know if you need us to expand on any topics.
Thank you for your response. a few followup questionsHello,
Hi Edmund,
No sadly, there is no way to remove GTIN from Product Introduction. You will always see the GTIN but it might have a withdrawn status, which means the publication has been removed.
If the existing GTIN is a Non-GDSN(entered directly not using IM) and you publish the same hierarchy over, then you will have two versions. One is a non-GDSN and a GDSN(published from IM.)
You can have two with no issue other than making sure you are working on the correct one. The screenshot is showing you the G (in green) which means it's a GDSN GTIN. You will see a capital N for an item entered directly into Korger's portal. We have this for those smaller companies that may not want to invest in a subscription to Item Management.