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Community Manager
Community Manager
  • 1WorldSync Derivation is applicable to the McLane playlist for grocery products.  There were no attribute and validation changes for the McLane foodservice products.
  • McLane and 1WorldSync activated “Derivation” in June 2021 to ensure all required attributes are received in all publications to McLane from 1WorldSync Data Pool customers.  This is true whether you use the GUI interface, M2M connectivity, FUSE, etc. to manage your product content and publish to McLane. 

If you are an IM GUI User, add the McLane playlist to your item before publishing to see any missing attributes required for a successful publication to McLane.

  • What is Derivation?  Derivation is a feature 1WorldSync recipients use to ensure their requirements are applied to all items published to them by 1WorldSync suppliers. With derivation turned on, suppliers may encounter publication errors and warnings which must be resolved before an item can be successfully published to that recipient, even if the supplier has not associated that recipient’s playlist to their items in Item Management (IM).
  • So, what does that really mean?  With Derivation turned on for McLane, suppliers must populate all required attributes based on the validation rules from the McLane playlist.
  • What attributes are now required for successful publications to McLane?  You can see details for all attributes related to the McLane playlists in the McLane Requirements document. 

Let’s discuss some of the attributes that are driving the most questions from customers. 

  • McLane requires some attributes on consumer units not required on other hierarchy levels.  The attributes Is Packaging Labelled With Drug Facts (isPackagingLabelledWithDrugFacts), Marketing Message (marketingMessage/tradeItemMarketingMessage), and Feature Benefit (tradeItemFeatureBenefit/featureBenefit) are required on consumer units.  Please note where Is Packaging Labelled With Drug Facts (isPackagingLabelledWithDrugFacts) is populated as “True,” then, conditionally, an image of thedrug fact panel on the product is required.

Here are some of the other attributes required for publication to McLane in addition to GDSN required attributes. These are in addition to all GDSN Mandatory attributes.

  • Country Of Origin (countryOfOrigin/countryCode)
  • Manufacturer GLN (manufacturer/gln)
  • Manufacturer Name (manufacturer/name)
  • Product Description (productDescription)
  • Short Description / POS Desc. 1 (shortDescription)
  • TI/HI – Please note, dependent upon your hierarchy (Pallet vs non-Pallet) you will need to populate the appropriate TI/HI attributes.
    • For hierarchies with a Pallet level (Pallet has a GTIN)
      • Number of Items in a Complete Layer/GTIN Pallet Ti (ti)
      • Number of Complete Layers Contained in Item/GTIN Pallet Hi (hi)
    • For hierarchies without a Pallet level (Pallet has no GTIN)
      • Number of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi)
      • Number of Complete Layers Contained in Item/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi)
      • Number of Items/Pallet (numberOfItemsPerPallet)

You can find more details at the attribute level in the attached document.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Please see the update on Feature Benefit requirements as of 10.2.2021


Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎06-16-2021 07:55 AM
Updated by: