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McLane recently updated some required attributes that ensure they have the information they need to process published product content to them via GDSN.  These attributes are populated on the GDSN side and published to McLane as they are not attributes that suppliers can update in the McLane Production Introduction portal.  Below are the required attributes: 

  • Is Packaging Labelled with Drug Facts – Indicates if the item has drug facts labeling. A drug fact panel of the trade item is a label usually contains such items as active ingredients, uses, warnings, purpose, directions, etc.  If this is true, a WARNING will be sent for a link to the image of the drug fact panel (if there is not one linked) will be required for all items. 

You can find this attribute in Enhanced IM by adding the McLane Playlist for your GTIN, enter the attribute name and select it.  IM will direct you to the attribute:


Is Packaging Labelled with Drug Facts in EIM.png


  • Minimum Temperature - The minimum temperature that a trade item can be held below defined by the manufacturer without affecting product safety or quality.
  • Maximum Temperature - The maximum temperature that a trade item can be held below defined by the manufacturer without affecting product safety or quality.

You can find these temperature attributes in Enhanced IM by adding the McLane Playlist for your GTIN, enter the attribute name and select it.  IM will direct you to the attribute:

 Temperature Attributes in EIM.png


  • McLane requires T/Hi on the publication level GTIN.  If your hierarchy has a Pallet Level, you should populate the Ti/Hi on that pallet level GTIN.  If your hierarchy does not have a pallet level GTIN, populate the Non-Pallet Ti/Hi attributes on the publication level GTIN. 

Non GTIN Pallet Ti and Non GTIN Pallet Hi are required at the highest hierarchy level where the hierarchy does not have a pallet or mixed module level GTIN.

Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi are required attributes when the published hierarchy has a pallet or mixed module GTIN present. 

You can find these temperature attributes in Enhanced IM by adding the McLane Playlist for your GTIN, enter the attribute name and select it.  IM will direct you to the attribute.  Please note the two different sections to input Ti/Hi information based on whether you have an actual pallet GTIN in the hierarchy:

Ti and Hi in EIM.png

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎01-26-2021 01:30 PM
Updated by: