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Community Manager
Community Manager

McLane Grocery (GLN 0083967000016) only accepts NEW item publications. If your hierarchy is published as INITIAL LOAD, your item will be listed as Historical. You can view all items in the Historical queue by going to Products > Historical.

To get an item out of Historical status, please republish your item as NEW.

If the item continues to be in the Historical queue even after a NEW item publication, please contact the 1WorldSync Service Desk to ensure the required “handshake” between your supplier GLN and McLane’s recipient GLN is in place.  The Service Desk will quickly activate the handshake if needed. The data must then be republished back to McLane as NEW.

Historical Status.png

New Contributor

I had this problem yesterday, a publication arrived to McLane as "Initial Load". The "IsReload" attribute was maintained with the value "False". The "DocumentCommandHeaderType" with the value "Correct".

This isn't the first time we've published to McLane with this configuration,  our previous publications arrived as "NEW". This is the first time we've encountered this problem.

So we sent a depublication (CIHW). Do I have to wait 25 hours before republishing as "NEW"?

and should we change the "DocumentCommandHeaderType" to "ADD" instead of "CORRECT"?

Thank you !

Community Support

Hello @Emma , thank you for utilizing our customer community.

I have reviewed your questions, and as mentioned in the article above, in order for the item to be removed from the Historical status, it would need to be republished as new from the data pool.

If you need assistance in republishing your item, you should get in contact with the Support Team at Salsify, and they will be able to guide you through the process.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-31-2020 07:41 AM
Updated by: