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High-quality Images contribute to telling the overall story of your item. Additional images display the
product more fully to the online consumer and lead to additional sales. 7 in 10 online shoppers decide
NOT to buy due to poor quality (or lack of) product content.

  • Digital Requirements:Images must be High Resolution and, in a JPG (*.jpg) Format. 6” minimum
    size dimension or larger (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)
  • Number of Images:It is required to provide at least 1 image, however, if the item benefits 3 or
    more product images, showing multiple angles, for all items sold through Ace
    Hardware. Ace strongly encourages additional images to enhance the
    customer buying experience. 
  • Type of Images:

Main Image - The primary image for your product will refer to the “Main” image in our systems. The “Main” image will be seen by the Ace retailers, our consumers, and within any external marketing channels. Choose images that are clear, add focus to the product itself, information-rich and beautifully presented, without much propping. The product needs to be on a white background and may NOT contain any text, badges, logos, borders, or other graphics, as these image modifications are disallowed by Google Shopping Ads. If the image is of a product package, the package cannot take up the whole image frame. There must be negative/white space around the product packaging.

Out of Package Image – This image is of the product outside its packaging. The background must have a transparent or pure white background; keep the area behind the product free of any clutter or debris. No FPO (For Position Only) graphics. “Out of Package” images are generally the preferred option for the Main Image, however for certain items (such as Holiday Lights) the “In Package” image may be more informative for customers and easier to shop. Please use your best judgment.

Additional Views - Additional views such as alternate angles, lifestyle shots, “product in-use” images, or close-ups of specific product features/material can help show specific details useful to the consumer's decision to purchase. 

Image File Format and Image Size

  • JPEG (.jpg) Format
  • High Resolution: original image capture resolution should be at least 300
    dots per inch (dpi)
  • 6” x 6” minimum size dimension
  • 1800x1800 pixels (height and width) or larger

NOTE: If you already have images that meet the requirements outlined above and attached, send them
with your GDSN publication to Ace Hardware. If your current images do not comply or you do not
currently have images for your products, then contact 1WorldSync. They have an image studio that is
designed to take images of products of all sizes. Learn more about 1WorldSync Image Services.
Email: ; Phone: 866.280.4013 Option

Sample Images Required by Ace Hardware:






Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎08-17-2023 02:16 PM
Updated by: