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Due to the large number of third party applications and Content Management Systems (CMS), 1Worldsync Content Solutions, does not provide support for third party applications or CMS. This guide is provided as an aide for guidance and suggestions for integration. 1WorldSync is not liable for any actions, damage or loss. If you require support for your third party application or CMS, please contact the owner or company that produced the application for assistance.


Shopify allows users to quickly create an eCommerce storefront using a drag and drop builder

This document provides an overview of how to insert the ContentCast Inline Content and Logo script on websites built using Shopify.


Steps to add ContentCast Script on Shopify

  1. Log in to the Administrator Dashboard for your Shopify site, and click on “Themes”
  2. From the ‘Actions’ drop down, select ‘Edit Code’


  3. Under the Layouts folder, locate and click on theme.liquid to open it up in the online code editor
    (Note: This may be called something different depending on your theme)1WSCGomez_2-1712669391291.png


  4. This will open up the theme.liquid template page. Scroll down till you find the <body> tag, and paste the 1WorldSync JavaScript where you’d like the rich content to be displayed.


  5. IMPORTANT: Replace “MANUFACTURER_NAME” and “MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER” variables in the 1WorldSync script to your website specific variables that will contain the respective values. This will make sure the correct Manufacturer name and Manufacturer Part Numbers are passed to 1WorldSync when the tag gets fired. You could also hardcode the values for “LANGUAGE” and “MARKET” since it will be consistent. Feel free to comment out or remove the unused variables such as ‘CPN’, ‘UPC_EAN_CODE’ and ‘CATALOG_CODE’
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    jQuery('<div id="ccs-inline-content"></div>').prependTo("#collapse-tab1");
    var product_mpn =;
    var product_brand = ShopifyAnalytics.meta.product.vendor;
    var ccs_cc_args = ccs_cc_args || [];
    // Product Page
    ccs_cc_args.push(['cpn', product_mpn]);
    ccs_cc_args.push(['mf', product_brand]);
    ccs_cc_args.push(['pn', product_mpn]);
    ccs_cc_args.push(['lang', 'EN']);
    ccs_cc_args.push(['market', 'MY']);
    (function () {
    var o = ccs_cc_args; o.push(['_SKey', '53a7faa6']); o.push(['_ZoneId', 'f6ce596781']);
    var sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.type = 'text/javascript'; sc.async = true;
    sc.src=('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + ''; var n = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, n); })(); </script>
  6. Don’t forget to save your changes!



For detailed information about Shopify and help on other topics please visit the Shopify Help Center –

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎04-09-2024 09:32 AM
Updated by: