on 04-09-2024 09:13 AM
You will need the following in order to begin using the ContentCast Service:
For additional programs, please contact your 1WS Sales Representative or contact Support. When contacting your Sales Rep or Customer Support, please include which ContentCast Programs you would like.
Once registered, you will be able to pick up your code from the client portal.
To use ContentCast™ you will need to register for the service at https://portal.cs.1worldsync.com. After registering, you will receive an email to Confirm your email account and complete registration. You will then be able to complete your account and company profile.
In order to implement the ContentCast Product Page script on your website:
<div id="ccs-logos"></div> <div id="ccs-product-details"></div> <div id="ccs-inline-content"></div> <script type='text/javascript'> var ccs_cc_args = ccs_cc_args || []; // Acme.com - Product Page // ccs_cc_args.push(['cpn' 'CPN']); ccs_cc_args.push(['mf' 'MANUFACTURER_NAME']); ccs_cc_args.push(['pn' 'MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER']); // ccs_cc_args.push(['upcean' 'UPC_EAN_CODE']); // ccs_cc_args.push(['ccid' 'CATALOG_CODE']); ccs_cc_args.push(['lang' 'LANGUAGE']); ccs_cc_args.push(['market' 'MARKET']); (function () { var o = ccs_cc_args; o.push(['_SKey' 'CUSTID']); o.push(['_ZoneId' 'abcd1234']); var sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.type = 'text/javascript'; sc.async = true; sc.src=('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'cdn.cs.1worldsync.com/jsc/h1ws.js'; var n = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(sc n); })(); </script>
The script can accept a list of parameters to identify the product customize the output and define preferences. See below for the standard list:
Parameter | Description | Examples |
mf pn |
mf = Manufacturer Name and pn = Manufacturer Part Number of the product being requested. Both mf and pn must be passed together as a pair. Both parameter values must be URL encoded. |
ccs_cc_args.push([‘mf’ ‘Sony’]); ccs_cc_args.push([‘pn’ ‘ SLTA77V’]); |
upcean | upcean = UPC or EAN of the product being requested. | ccs_cc_args.push([‘upcean’ ‘4718235409951’]); |
lang | 2 letter ISO 639.1 language code that should be returned. Default is “en” for English. | ccs_cc_args.push([‘lang’ ‘en’]); |
market | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Two letter country code of the market. | ccs_cc_args.push([‘market’ ‘US’]); |
To ensure displaying accurate and available products within the logo hover, we will need a product catalog uploaded daily to an FTP location. If you do not have an FTP location, your support contact can provide one upon request. The preferred file format for the catalog is Tab Delimited text file.
Required Columns in Catalog:
Optional Columns in Catalog:
Product Page URLs and Add-to-Cart URLs can be set up in your account settings if a standardized or consistent URL structure is supported by your e-commerce site.
Read the Catalog Documentation