06-25-2024 08:34 AM - edited 02-05-2025 07:14 AM
If you use the script below as an example, the following content should render on your end as in the demo link:
Below you will find an example that is prefilled that should help to assist you integrating the script with an example.
Note: You may need to get your SKEY and ZoneID from your account under "my services".
Copy the SKEY and ZoneID - you will need to fill your identificators in the script.
Generic Integration.
1) Copy and paste the script and div code below into your product page template:
<div id="ccs-feature-icons"></div>
<div id="ccs-inline-content"></div>
<div id="ccs-logos"></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var ccs_cc_args = ccs_cc_args || [];
// Product Page
ccs_cc_args.push(['cpn', 'CPN']);
ccs_cc_args.push(['mf', 'Microsoft']);
ccs_cc_args.push(['pn', 'QAT00009']);
ccs_cc_args.push(['upcean', 'UPC/EAN']);
ccs_cc_args.push(['lang', 'EN']);
ccs_cc_args.push(['market', 'GB']);
(function () {
var o = ccs_cc_args; o.push(['_SKey', 'SKEY']); o.push(['_ZoneId', 'ZONEID']);
var sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.type = 'text/javascript'; sc.async = true;
sc.src=('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'cdn.cs.1worldsync.com/jsc/h1ws.js';
var n = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, n);
2) Update the parameters below with the dynamic values from your website.
Customer Part Number will be your internal part number for the sku as defined in your catalog.
The Manufacturer name. Example: Lenovo, Cisco, Microsoft Corp.
The Manufacturer part number. Example: VM617A8#ABA.
2 letter ISO 639.1 language code that should be returned. Examples: en, fr, de.
2 letter country code. Examples: US, DE, GB.
UPC_EAN_CODE (Optional)
UPC or EAN code of the product being requested
3) Use content container(s) with matching identifiers specified below such as or where you want the content to appear:
<div id="ccs-feature-icons"></div>
<div id="ccs-inline-content"></div>
<div id="ccs-logos"></div>
4) Save your changes and publish the page to your website.
Implementation Instructions CCS Logo recommends and Upsell.
5) Catalog Feed Setup(required for Logo programs)
We require a full catalog feed in CSV comma-delimited or tab-delimited text file format
This file should be accessible by us through either a FTP location or a HTTP location and should be obtainable and updated daily.
This file should contain the following information:
CPN/ Product ID (used in your add to cart function)
Manufacturer Name
Manufacturer Part Number/SKU Number
Product Name
Product Page URL (must contain https:// examplehttps://www.domain.com)