on 10-28-2022 07:58 AM
There are some items in our Item Management section that are not populating over in Digital Catalog. For example, . Is there a reason this would be or a setting on that item that needs to be changed?
Hello and thank you for reaching out. Can you provide a couple of examples of GTINs so we can take a closer look for you? If you have any screen captures or anything else that helps us troubleshoot and helps any other customers who see this in the future with the same questions.
Here is an example:
GTIN – Type Code is GTIN_14
Point of Sale – 10011206321650
I have not looked in DC yet but I immediately wondered about your point-of-sale item starting with "10." Your point-of-sale items really should start with "00."
In our system all of our GTINs start with 1, that is what our case UPCs begin with. I’m sure that’s why the team member that populated Item Management used that one.
It’s interesting though because it seems most items carried over to DC, but not certain ones. Of course some of the ones I need for my Lists.
Hello! One quick check you can do is to see if your Digital Catalog search results filter is showing only consumer units? You can remove that search filter and then your GTIN will display. The default is to show the consumer units only and since your GTIN is marked as Consumer Unit Indicator = False it won't show up by default in the search list in Digital Catalog. Hope this helps!