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Manufacturer Name


1WorldSync Content Solutions uses a normalized manufacturer name within the DataSource database. It ensures that all variations used for manufacturer names appear as one consistent name. For example IBM, IBM Corp., and IBM Corporation all appear as IBM. The manufacturer name is the name of a company that the part numbers belong to. Brand name (brand logo) could be found on the device itself.


Database Structure

The manufacturer ID of a product is located in three tables:

  • cds_Prod table
  • cds_Atr table
  • cds_Metamap table

The tables cds_Prod and cds_Atr reference a name in the table cds_Vocxx, while cds_Metamap's "DistiID" column references a description in the table cds_Distivoc. For the customers uploading their catalog (PULL or Catalog Base customers), these different locations hold either the 1WorldSync Content Solutions normalized manufacturer name (cds_Distivoc) or the manufacturer name that is provided in the upload MFC file (cds_Vocxx).


Returning the Manufacturer Name Submitted in the MFC Files

MfID in the table cds_Prod and the value for attribute A00630 "Header / Manufacturer" in the cds_Atr table both point to the same vocabulary entry in cds_Vocxx, this entry in cds_Vocxx provides the same manufacturer name as was uploaded in the MFC files.


Returning 1WorldSync Content Solutions Manufacturer Name

The customers who would like to use the 1WorldSync Content Solutions manufacturer name can join against the cds_Metamap table. The DistiID, which links to the vocabulary table, begins with either a C or a Z. The Z indicates that the ID is linking to a manufacturer rather than a distributor. Using this built-in logic a simple query can be used to retrieve the 1WorldSync Content Solutions manufacturer name.





Use the cds_Metamap table if you would like to link the Manufacturer ID to a product ID.







Related Queries

FROM   cds_metamap
       JOIN cds_distivoc
         ON cds_metamap.distiid =
WHERE  cds_metamap.distiid LIKE 'Z%'




The brand name is the name that could be found on the device itself. Some manufacturers use the company name or a part of the name or it's acronym (Hewlett-Packard-> HP, ASUSTeK COMPUTER -> Asus) as a product brand; some manufacturers may have several brands. 

If a manufacturer resells the products of another manufacturers with their own part numbers, in this case the brand of the original manufacturer is used for the product. For example, if HP sells Microsoft operating system then the brand would be Microsoft.


Database Structure

The brand name is provided as a searchable attribute A00606 "Header / Brand"  in the tables cds_Atr and cds_Vocxx.










Related Queries

SELECT a.prodid,
       v.text AS Brand_Name
FROM   cds_atr a
       JOIN cds_vocxx v
         ON a.valid =
WHERE  a.prodid = 'PRODUCTID'
       AND a.atrid = 'A00606' 


Manufacturer Part Number


A manufacturer part number is a combination of numbers, letters and symbols that has been given to a product by the manufacturer. This is one of the unique product identifiers within the manufacturer's catalog.


Database Structure

The manufacturer part number is located in the table cds_Prod.





Related Queries

SELECT p.prodid,
       p.mfpn AS Manufacturer_PN
FROM   cds_prod p
WHERE  p.prodid = 'PRODUCTID' 

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-21-2023 05:07 AM
Updated by: