The DSD 8.7.3 release is now available! Please see the attached release notes for full details on the release content including the following:
- GDSN - November GDSN 3.1.17 Small Release updates as applied to Item Management (IM) 8.24
- Digital Preview & SmartLabel - Display your 1WorldSync Digital Catalog and SmartLabel web pages within Quick Browse
- Catalogs - Mass add, remove or replace the products associated to your Catalogs in Quick Browse
- Monitor Cleanup - New automated process to manage Monitor Cleanup files, eliminating the need to manually check to see if files are blocking inbound XML Notification processing
- Net Change Tab - Net Change tab is now much easier to read with Before and After values wrapped so that all columns fit on the screen
- Workflow - Recipients can opt to get notified only when their suppliers send changes to active attributes
- REST API - New APIs for item publication and user management
- Server Hosting - Host your DSD systems on-prem at 1WorldSync, eliminating your need to maintain and monitor these servers
- Reed Tech Connector - Phase 1 updates to the beta version of this connector for medical device submissions
- Playlists - New playlists for product categories and healthcare/medical device products
- And More!