06-21-2023 04:25 AM - edited 06-21-2023 04:28 AM
The catalog of data delivered is defined by the catalog requested by the customer.
Request process: to request products, customers will have to provide 1WorldSync with their catalog in a specific format. Two specific tab-delimited text files should be created and uploaded in a speficic folder of your ftp account.
The catalog of data is defined by the choice of a distributor or all Skus existing on one market. No request files need to be uploaded. The only action required is the request of catalog.
Example: if the flag dataout.txt is deleted in the afternoon of day 1, the next catalogue will be created by the
distribution cycle of day 2 and will be available at the end of this distribution cycle, the same day.
1WorldSync recommends that you request catalog updates on a daily basis to take advantage of new product data and any data corrections made by 1WorldSync. Irregular updates can lengthen your perception of 1WorldSync fulfillment time and prevent us from delivering data error corrections.
On this page, you can request a full Download.zip generation. Your request must be submitted before Saturday morning 3 am CET for a planned delivery on the following Monday.
Product requests require two files to be uploaded:
Both MFC and PRC files need to be in tab-delimited text format to be processed by 1WS’ production system.
All fields in the MFC / PRC files (except the 6th field, for UPC/EAN codes) should not be empty and should not
have the values “NULL” or “N/A”.
The 6th field in the PRC file, for UPC/EAN codes, is optional and can be left empty.
MFC files consist of two fields:
KNG Kingston Technology
LEN Lenovo
123 Microsoft
If there are no manufacturer codes in your catalog, then the manufacturer’s name can be used twice (for the
code as well as the name), as long as the code does not exceed the 40 character limit.
Kingston Technology Kingston Technology
Lenovo Lenovo
Microsoft Microsoft
PRC files consist of five required fields and one optional field:
Here’s an example, when products are being requested (added):
A KNG SKC100S3/480G 67891 KINGSTON 480GB
A LEN 43493KU 12345 ThinkPad T510
A IBM ZRS1NUS 54321 x3850, 2xCPU <UPCEAN>94532145689</UPCEAN>
A 123 GMF-00093 35732 Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3500
This is an example for when products are being deleted:
D LEN 43497LU 12789 ThinkPad T510
Note: when only the UPC/EAN code is available, the p/n column should be left empty. Otherwise any reference used in this column will be considered as the p/n and no mapping will be done on the UPC/EAN code.
MFC files are named as follows:
This format is comprised of “MFC0”, then your four-digit account number ("xxxx"), then a sequentially numbered
extension (start with "000", then “001”, “002” etc.).
PRC files are named like this:
Use “PRC0”, then your four-digit account number ("xxxx"), then a sequentially numbered extension (start with
“000” then “001”, “002” etc.).
The extensions at the end of the file names will help you to keep track of your FTP uploads.
Account ID: C01234
The initial MFC/PRC files would be named as:
The next MFC/PRC files will be named as:
The files should be uploaded to the FTP site sftp.cs.1worldsync.com using your FTP account credentials.
The files should be uploaded to the folder “upload”.
Once the files are processed, they will be automatically moved to the folder “archive”.
If you do not know your Username and Password, you can contact the 1WorldSync Content Solutions Customer Support.