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This article provides you with the frequently asked questions related to ContentConnector SQL Server. Please see the links below and post any questions in the comments area.  If you cannot find what you are looking for, please Ask a Question HERE for DataSource.  

Can I use integrated security on SQL Server?

  • Yes, however it will only work with Windows. Add ";integratedSecurity=true" to the end of the database connection URL in the config file. You must also add the path to the correct sqljdbc_auth.dll found in lib\auth\xxx to your PATH. You can do this by editing your system path or using the Java parameter -Djava.library.path.

How can we stop rebuilding the index (DBCC DBREINDEX) after every import process?

  • In DataSource-SQLServer.xml there is an update policy for rebuilding indexes. It is possible to remove or comment it out and DBCC DBREINDEX will not run:

    <!--UpdatePolicyMethod tableName="cds_Prod" methodName="rebuildIndexes" description="*** <p>REBUILD INDEXES"> <UpdatePolicyArg name="tableSet" value="DataSource"/> <br></UpdatePolicyMethod-->

If I don't want to give ContentConnector sysadmin access, how can the tables still be owned by dbo?

  • ContentConnector login does not need to be in the sysadmin role, however it should own the database. The easiest way to do this is to assign ContentConnector login as the owner when you create the database. If the database has already been created, the command "exec sp_changedbowner 'LOGIN'" will change ownership of the database to the ContentConnector user. Now, when ContentConnector creates tables, it will be done as dbo.

Why do I get Foreign Key error "The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "S_FK_CCTPROD_2_CCTCAT"..."

  • ContentConnector does swap table operations during the update process. In doing this, it creates copies of the existing table. It could happen that ContentConnector encounters Foreign Key conflict between the existing and swap tables. ContentConnector version 2.2.0.x fixes this issue. Please contact your Customer Support to get the latest version of ContentConnector.

Why BCP cannot import any record into the tables with SQL Azure?

  • 1. Make sure the Server connection string does not contain a semi-column (;) at the end, like this: < ServerURL>jdbc:sqlserver://SERVER:1433;database=DATABASE;< /ServerURL >

    2. Try to use a password without too many special characters, such password will make BCP fail: < Login User="user_login" Password="-dP.\w9VBygI"/>

    3. Avoid to have a database name starting with a digit. Instead of “1WorldSync“ for example, preferably use “OneWorldSync“.

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎03-21-2024 09:57 AM
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