This article provides you with the frequently asked questions related to ContentConnector Oracle. Please see the links below and post any questions in the comments area. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please Ask a Question HERE for DataSource.
Can I run ContentConnector on the same database instance yet use different schemas?
- Yes - you can specify the Oracle schema name in the <ProductDataDatabase> element by adding a “schema” attribute. Note that you will still need to provide a user login/password.
My locale uses commas and some values in cds Atr.NNV that are not being imported into Oracle, why?
- This is due to locale issues. DataSource uses a decimal for float values. But some European locales use commas instead. The solution is to set the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARCTERS value to ".,". This can be done is a Unix script or Windows bat file.
Why do pipes and degree symbols appear as an upside-down question mark?
- Check the environment. The environment may not be set correctly for the Windows character set. The following variable should be in both your shell environment and your automated scripts. NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252