This article provides you with the frequently asked questions related to ContentConnector MySQL. Please see the links below and post any questions in the comments area. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please Ask a Question HERE for DataSource.
Are there any known character set issues?
- Most modern versions of MySQL greater than 5.0.26 support the CHARACTER SET syntax. However, a few later versions, including 5.0.32 still do not support the CHARACTER SET syntax. The work around for this is, in the config file, enable the NoMySQLCharacterSetSupport option.
Can I use InnoDB for MySQL?
- ContentConnector will work with InnoDB. To enable InnoDB, the TableType must be changed to InnoDB in the ContentConnector.xml file. ContentConnector is only affected in create mode during table creation.
Does MySQL support multiple character sets?
- MySQL only supports the CHARACTER SET syntax in versions 5.0.27 and above. This becomes an issue with loading files that do not use the latin1 character set. Currently, this appears in use cases for Polish and Czech languages (1250 character set).
How can I increase the duration of the timeout?
- You can use SHOW VARIABLES like wait_timeout%; to see the value of wait_timeout. By default, it is 28800, which is 8 hours. To change the value, you can do type the command set @@wait_timeout=28800;
MySQL is loading slowly. How can I improve performance?
- By default, MySQL loads data in local mode. This means that the JDBC driver streams the data files over the network to the database server. This is ideal in an environment where the database server is not on the same machine as ContentConnector or the database user has limited permissions. MySQL also has the option to have the server directly access the data files if the data files are on the same machine as the database server. To do this, the database user must first be granted the FILE permission. Then the following line must be added to the DataSourceConfig-MySQL.xml file immediately after the TableType element in the Databases section: <Loader>NoLocal</Loader>
Why do I get this error: "Could not connect to database: 0 - Unknown initial character set index '192' ..."?
- This is a known bug in version 5.0 of MySQL (URL: The following workaround is avalable: Open ContentConnector.xml. In the databases section, add "?characterEncoding=UTF8" to the end of the ServerURL.