10:53 AM
- edited on
04:58 AM
This article provides you with general frequently asked questions for ContentConnector. Please see the links below and post any questions in the comments area. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please Ask a Question HERE for DataSource.
How to update from FTP to SFTP?
Can ContentConnector send an email if it has not succeeded?
Can I run ContentConnector from a different directory?
Can I run the ContentConnector on the MariaDB platform?
The ContentConnector is compatible with the MariaDB. You would need to enable the MySQL settings in the contentconnector.xml file as follows:
<Schema definition="configuration/DataSource/DataSource-MySQL.xml"/>
<!-- MySQL -->
<Databases Type="MySQL4.0CompatibilityMode">
<ProductDataDatabase name="DATABASE" repositoryTablePrefix="" stagingTablePrefix="in_"/>
<Login User="USERID" Password="PASSWORD"/>
Can I run the ContentConnector on the Microsoft Azure platform?
The ContentConnector is compatible with the Microsoft Azure platform. You would need to make the following changes to the contentconnector.xml file.
• <loader>BCP</loader> should be used instead of <loader>Native</loader>.
• <option>ConnectorStatus</option> should be commented out.
Can I specify a download.zip to use?
Can I use SFTP with the ContentConnector?
Yes, you can use SFTP with the ContentConnector.
The 1st step is to enable the following option in the contiguration.xml file.
<!--Option>Secure FTP</Option>
The 2nd step is to add the 1WS SFTP server to your known_host file.
Unix : by connecting manually using the sftp command line tool: sftp sftp.cs.1worldsync.com
Windows: installing SSH from OpenSSH for Windows running in a new DOS window:
How do I configure a SOCKS proxy that I have?
The ContentConnector has been tested to successfully work with SOCKS proxy 4 and 5. In the ContentConnector.xml the following line should be set:<Proxy Host="MYPROXYHOST" Port="MYPORT" Username="" Password=""/>
Replace MYPROXYHOST with the existing SOCKS proxy address and replace MYPORT with the SOCKS proxy port. Currently, the SOCKS username and password are unused and therefore, should remain blank. This line should also be placed after the DigitalContent sections, but before the Thumbnails section.
How do I configure ContentConnector to send an email when it exits with the “FATAL” error?
Contact your local network administrator and request the following:
When the information is received, please follow the next steps to configure the notification emails:
Then the notification email will be sent to the address specified in the parameter "To" when the ContentConnector has a “FATAL” error.
How do I configure ContentConnector.xml file
How do I fix my thumbnails from appearing jagged or with defects?
How do I know what has changed from one version of ContentConnector to the next?
How do I prepare ContentConnector to use an absolute path?
How do I run the ContentConnector in debug mode?
To run the ContentConnector in debug mode, make the following update:
With this option enabled, the ContentConnector will log additional debug information and load it into the logs\log.txt file.
How often is ContentConnector upgraded?
How often should I run ContentConnector and at what time?
How to upgrade to the latest ContentConnector version?
Here are the upgrade steps:
For version and higher
For versions before
I requested a full file. Do I need to make any adjustments to ContentConnector?
If you are running ContentConnector or later then you do not need any adjustments. ContentConnector detects the file type automatically and processes it accordingly.
If your version is or below, make sure that the option “CheckIsFullDownload” is enabled in the config file (ContentConnector.xml). ContentConnector will then detect the file type automatically and process it as a full file.
If you are on a version 1.6 or below please contact your Customer Support Team for upgrade.
I set my HTTP proxy settings on the command line, why is it still not working?
Why am I having to constantly reset table permissions?
Why does the log state that "An increment has been missed"?
The ContentConnector (starting from the version 1.6) detects missed increments. The config file (ContentCoonnector.xml) has the option "CheckMissedIncrement" automatically enabled. It does this by comparing staging cds_Catalog and both staging and production cds_Prod. All products found in staging cds_Catalog must be found in either the current production cds_Prod or the staging cds_Prod.
If you get this error, you would either need to manually download the missed download.zip file and all other download files delivered after that from the Archive directory and run the Connector in nodownload mode or you may request the full file delivery via the Extranet or by sending the request to Customer Support team.
Why don't accents and other special characters show up correctly?
java -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 -jar ...
What to do when Java is out of memory
For 32 bit systems
java -Xms512m -Xmx2g -jar contentConnector-2.x.x.jar datasource configuration/ContentConnector.xml import
For 64 bit systems
java -Xms512m -Xmx4g -jar contentConnector-2.x.x.jar datasource configuration/ContentConnector.xml import
-Xms512m: sets the initial (minimum) heap size to 512 megabytes (MB)
-Xmx2g: sets the maximum heap size to 2 gigabytes (GB)