on 06-21-2023 06:38 AM
Marketing Description is the manufacturer’s original marketing text which provides the highlights about the product.
1WorldSync Content Solutions does not translate marketing text since it is captured directly from each manufacturer in the original language.
Marketing Text is distributed through Media Type ID 4 “Marketing description” in digital content.
Key Selling Points (KSP) is a bulleted list of top product features and benefits defined by the product manufacturer.
This data is retrieved directly from the manufacturer in the original language.
KSP is distributed through Media Type ID 5 “Key Selling Points” in digital content.
Product Features are more detailed and elaborate version of Key Selling Points, where each product feature has a paragraph of text explaining it.
Product Features are retrieved directly from the manufacturer in the original language.
This component is distributed through Media Type ID 14 “Product Features” in digital content.
Product Documentation provided in PDF format includes the following components which are distributed in digital content.
Product Data Sheet / Brochure (Media Type ID 11)
User Manual (Media Type ID 12)
Quick Start Guide (Media Type ID 13)
What’s in the Box contains a list of the accessories and options bundled together under a single part number.
This component is distributed through Media Type ID 10 “What's in the Box” in digital content.
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